Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sandakan Trip

Last Tuesday, me and all my HG23 coursemate went to Sandakan for a field trip organized by Dr. Andy and En. Julius. This is the 1st time i went to Sandakan, some other friends already been there before and told me that the food there is nice and cheaper than KK, and im willing to see how true is that. Hohoho.....
So we depart from UMS around 11am after Miss Mandy's midterm exam, reach our 1st destination, our rest house in Sandakan, Institut Latihan Perindustrian Sandakan, and we stay there for 3 nights. Sad to say the rest house we stay, the so-called APARTMENT, were not as good as we expected. Because 16 guys will have to stay together in 1 house with only 3 rooms 1 toilet 1 bathroom, we almost fed up when 1st we reach. 1st day of our trip end after having dinner at Batu 4.
Our room
View outside our room
Taken at the main gate

Next day, i woke up very early becoz dowan to "rebut" the bathroom with the others, around 7:30am we depart to the FRC (Forest Research Centre), at there we were brief by Ms Rebecca about the FRC and the seed lab they have in there. Then we move to another part of the FRC which is the nursery site to learn about the management of a nursery. The nursery at FRC are more to researching than commercializing. After that we had our lunch at a restaurant beside the road on our way to the next destination. Then we move to the research plot that set up by En Julius when he was working in FRC. At there we were exposed to a few combinations of trees and crops (intergrated farming) in that plot, which we have already learn last semester when we went to Balung River Plantation at Tawau. After that, something that make us all fed up is that we have to return to the restaurant we eat our lunch for dinner, walaueh tai lou ah, the food there.....can not la~what to do, this is an order by En Julius. Many of us tapao back to the apartment to eat becoz already no mood to stay at that restaurant. That night, we all sneak out from the apartment and went to a funfair near the batu 4 to RELEASE STRESS, hahaha.....
Taken @ the main entrance of FRC
Taken inside the seed lab
Taken @ the research plot
Taken with Poh Hock and the Robot @ funfair

3rd day morning, we went to visit the Sabah Forestry Department, after that we went to the plantation research plot that set up by the research department, the plot there were planted with a lot of exotic species from foreign country, we feels like we were in temperate forest when walking in that plantation, quite an interestion place. After having lunch at the "same-old-place", we went to FRC again to continue our visit to the Entomology Lad, Xylarium, and Medicinal Garden. At there, 1st we heard that the Tongkat Ali plant can switch between male and female (LOL). That night, the last night we spent at Sandakan, we went to a restaurant called Ocean King that located near the pusat bandar to have our dinner, and we were quite satisfied with the sea food at there (good job Dijah).
Taken @ the entrance of the main building
Taken @ main gate
Taken @ the "temperate forest"

Last day, Friday, early morning we have already "check-out" from the apartment and going back to KK. On our way back, we have drop by and vist the Sandakan Crocodile Farm and the long-waited Sepilok (Orang utan rehabilitation centre). At last we reach KK around 7:30pm.
This trip, the relationship among us (HG23) have tighten, and we were having fun and learn a lot during the trip, now is time for us to headache about the field trip report lo....
Taken @ the Crocodile Farm with LiPing
Taken when we reach Sepilok

Malaysia Scout 100 Years

Scout association of Malaysia (Perserkutuan Pengakap Malaysia ) officially launch first day cover stamp for celebration 100 years of Scouting in Malaysia on 14 AUGUST 2008. There are few pricing for the stamp from the first day cover with folder price unofficially is RM 5.50 above A4 size, RM1.60 with envelope and 2 type of stamp with the price of RM0.30 and RM0.50. Here are some pictures of the first day cover.
First Day cover with envelopep
Brochure with description (Front)
Brochure with description (Back)

On the celebration of 100 years of scouting on 14 August 2008, Scout Association of Malaysia (Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia) has change the Malaysia Scout Emblem color. The scout emblem rope has change to yellow color. The information of new emblem could find in the First Day cover Stamp brochure.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Olympic @ Beijing 2008 Closing Ceremony

What a wonderful closing ceremony they shown to the world,
when all the eyes are looking at the Beijing 2008 Olympic,
they gave the world a very impressive closing ceremony.
The Olympic Torch has been winking for 17 days
was slowly went out after the "scroll" were closed.


In the middle of the bird-nest, we can see the "Pagoda of Memory" are extraordinary beautiful, which carry the meaning of remember Beijing 2008. The performance on the 20 meters height Pagoda will definitely be the climax of the whole closing ceremony.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

2008 Bukit Mertajam JOTA - JOTI Camporee


2008 Bukit Mertajam


Date : 17th Oct 2008 (1900hours) - 19th Oct 2008 (1200hours)
Venue : SRJK (C) Sin Ya

Fee : RM 30.00 (Badges, T-Shirt, Scarf, Woggle, Certificates, Participation Card, etc)

Hey hey, i know a lot of scouters out there are very waiting for this year's Jota-Joti Camporee, and so do i. For more information u can click here or email to ""

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Stuck again

1 week of convo week
1 week of holiday
but not really holiday for me
still need to do correction for my porposal
assignments and quiz

i was writing my literature review for the whole day until now
at 1st i taught this would be the easiest part for the porposal
because 1 of my coursemate told me that
"very easy, almost same like what lecturer teach in class de, DON WORRY" i think back he really siao liao
where got that easy, everything must be the truth
must got reference, must be latest (reference can not be older than 10 years)
now i stuck at here,
very difficult to get enough info
some need to pay lagi
aiyoyo....poor guy like me where can affort oh
now what, this friend of mine until now havent pass up his 1st draft oso
i at least got 2 times liao. (rejected 2 times oso)

anyway, still need to finish it by tonite.
huk !

Sunday, August 17, 2008


转载于:星洲日报 (2008-08-16 15:40)









  • 李宗偉距離奧運金牌只剩一步之遙!(圖:法新社)

  • “超級丹”的林丹會不會阻止大馬羽球男單奪金之路?(圖:法新社)







宗偉“It's Now or Never”?

對李宗偉來說,這將是他打破紀錄為國家獻上有史以來首枚金牌的最佳時機,他必須把握這次的黃金機會,以貓王的經典名曲“It's Now or Never”(現在或永不)的精神應戰,因為宗偉已26歲,能否在4年後的倫敦奧運會上陣成疑。


原文可由此获得 - “山腳下男孩”vs“超級丹”‧宗偉衝擊大馬奧運首金

Im so excited now, still left about 2 and a half hours, hopefully Lee Chong Wei can successfully get our 1st Olympic gold medal.

UPDATED : LIN DAN won LEE CHONG WEI, 21-12 | 21-8. Hmm.....probably not the best from CHONG WEI but the best from LIN DAN. CONGRATZ to LIN DAN for the gold medal and CHONG WEI for the 1st Olympic medal (silver) for Malaysia.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


the fair was last week
and i went there to do part time
this time i work as a promoter for Streamyx
well....."new experience"(for those who understand- LOL)

audrey chung introduce me to work for this so-called internet broadband provider
at 1st i not really interested to work on weekend
coz i feel that weekdend is for me to recharge (sounds like im a battery)
but becoz she said the commision is very attractive
50% !!!! wow !!!!
no basic earning,only got commision
so me,colin, and albert decided to give it a shot

the 1st working day is last friday
we reach there around 4:30pm and stand until 9pm+
1st day's sales was ZERO, not really disappointed,
coz long time din do sales already
then on the 2nd day, three of us finally get our 1st customer in the morning session
but after that none until finish. That nite really bad mood la.
3rd day, sunday, that day i never think about doing sales ler
but somehow i manage to get MORE customer to sign than 2 days before.

I was thinking, what a luck ? least i still can get 4 customers in 3 days.
The PC fair end after i back home, coz on Sunday i back home earlier (4pm i cao liao)
I've baught a new keyboard to replace my old 1, a laptop cooler for Paige.

I think this will be the last PIKOM PC FAIR i will ever attend in Sabah.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

the mummy

而且傍晚6点之前还有student price
所以就选了the mummy 3


这次的the mummy是以中国秦朝为主题


Saturday, August 2, 2008

saturday and sunday

this is the forth saturday of this sem,
and my porposal oso havent done. =.=
everyday play the webgame
really dono how to die
hopefully i can finish my 1st draft by this weekend
coz 2 more weeks will have to present already

last week juz finish the family camp for this year's juniors
but after came back still have to rush the finance tutorial and seed's lab
luckyly all settle already (bcoz the tutorial no nid to pass up)
juz do for "siok"
if i din touch i really dono
after read those tutorial's question only i realise that why ppl said:
"financial management" is the most difficult subject among the minor subjects.
bcoz a lot of equation to memorize
although the question is not that hard to understand (pusing sini pusing sana)
but dono which equation to use oso no use
and the lecturer said equations are not given in the final exam
can die~

ok la, gtg to find some materials for my literature review and justification...cha...